Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

Greetings From Perú!
Let me just tell you all I´ve been reflecting lately and I think I´ve asked myself at least once a week why I didn´t want to serve a mission before. I really encourage all that can and have any desire to, to serve a mission. I learn new things everyday, about myself, about others, about the Gospel, about Perú, about my companion, the list goes on and on. I love the joy I feel each time we teach a lesson and can see that the person is understanding, applying and wanting to come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know a mission is not for everyone, but it truly is the best thing I could be doing for these 18 months of my life.

Life here in the field is going great, no complaints. Hope things are going great where ever you may be. If you need anything let me know! Sorry this is so short...Next week it´ll be longer I promise.

Love Always,


PS I wrote one week about sending me mail, if you do don´t put the Perú Lima South Mission on the letter because they think it´s a business and it´ll take longer to get here. That´s the word on the street at least. Thank you all for your love and support.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21, 2012

Hola World!

Hope your past week treated you well, because mine did.  We spent a lot of our time this week teaching our ward. On Wednesday we taught the Young Women about sharing the gospel with their friends and how they should bring friends to church and what not and the blessings that come from that. Then on Sunday we taught Relief Society about missionary work and how it´s important to share the gospel.  Hopefully we get some new investigators but we´ll see, they know that we need their help and missionary work isn´t just for us missionaries. Yesterday for dessert after lunch we had a chocolate cake that was to die for. The member taught herself how to bake and what not and is a master! People, I´m telling you I have never tasted anything so delicious in my life and all the food here in Perú is delicious. That´s all with that. We had a lot of people attend Church yesterday, which is the best!   I finally understand almost everything that people are saying in Spanish, the gift of tounges is thoroughly being developed little by little out here. Hope things are going well in your lives! Thank you all for the support! If you need anything let me know!

Love Always,


Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

Hola, me llamo Hermana Harbison and I love to recieve letters :):)

Here's my address:

Felicia Harbison
Peru Lima South Mission
Av. Jorge Basadre, 592, Oficina 604-A
Edificio Torre Azul, San Isidro
Lima 27 PERU
Or you could try and select the Peru Lima South Mission. That's just an FYI for you all,  thanks.

Nestor and Elizabeth were baptized by the Bishop (the one kneeling) on July 14th, 2012. The daughter next to me isn't a member and the daughter next to my companion is. This family is the best, I could really see the change that the Gospel brings to people's lives.

This week was pretty normal. A lot of our appoinments fell through BUT Sunday was the best. We didn't have many attend church like we wanted but here's what happened. I was sitting in Sunday School and looked out the window and our investigator, Antoni, was standing out side.  I was shocked and told him to come in and join us. At the end of class he told us he wanted us to talk with him. (Here's a little background, he had the lessons a long time ago and had a baptism date that fell through. A week ago he called us and said that he wanted to talk to us about the Church. We had an appt. and asked if he believed Joseph Smith was a prophet and if the Book of Mormon was true. He said he had doubts, so we told him to read the Book of Mormon with the things found in Moroni 10:4 and he'd get an answer.) Well, when we sat down to talk, he recites the things from verse four of Moroni ten and asks what's next to be baptized? Hna. Riveros and I were totally shocked and said well we just have to review eveything and you need to continue to read and pray and attend church. He explained things to us that we should be explaining to him, like he doesn't need to have a perfect knowledge of everything but to have faith and believe and then how he was baptized when he was 5 and doesn't remember anything about it because it wasn't his choice and it wasn't with the correct authority. We then set the date for September 1st. We were totally surprised, but I can tell he's ready after we review things with him. Needless to say it was a great surprise. I know that the Lord prepares people differently, because he was taught by missionaries earlier and wasn't ready to be baptized then and he came looking for us to truly become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ.

That was the highlight of the week. Hope your week is going great!

Friday, August 10, 2012

August 6, 2012

This week was a good week here in the field. As a missionary Sundays are the day that tells all when it comes to if your investigator is progressing or not. Because if they attend church they are fulfilling your commitments and really want to learn more. Here´s a description of the feelings I have as a missionary on Sundays

You walk out of ward counsel and are just hoping to see your investigators sitting somewhere in the chapel. Unfortunetly no one is there. You greet all the members you can and sit there in the pew and stare at the door looking at everyone who comes in, hoping to see the familiar faces of your investigators. The meeting starts and you barely sing the hymn because you have faith that the Lord has touched someone´s heart and they´ll come to church. Sit and stare, sit and stare. Then you see a confused look on someone´s face who´s walking in and there they are, there´s your investigator. Seeing them come in is like running down the stairs Christmas morning and seeing a huge present with your name on it. You are so excited and can´t to see what´s inside. The same with your investigator, you are so excited and can´t wait for them to feel the sweet spirit that is only felt at Church. Then you look at your companion and you both have a huge grin on each of your faces and you run to their rescue helping them find a seat and get all comfortable. Then you go on with the meeting with this joy that can´t be described and gratitude to Heavenly Father that you have investigators that are progressing.

If that didn´t hit the cheesy factor of life as a missionary, I don´t know what will... There you have it, as a missionary you find the joy in the littlest things. The two minute talk you had with the person in the bus, the lesson you had and committed someone to be baptized, the health and support you have to teach and help others.

Nothing really new here. It´s pretty cold here and it stinks because there´s humidity and so the cold just goes straight into your bones. I found out that my favorite dish here is Aji de Gallina, which translates to Chili of the Rooster. It´s this chili sauce with chicken, instead of rooster, and it´s soooo good!

Hope everything is going good where ever you may be. I´m here in Perú, but if you need something just holler!

Have a great week!
