I hope everyone had a great week and you all are enjoying the fall weather that´s coming your way. All is well here in the mission field of PerĂº Lima Sur. This week was the week of cambios (transfers). This morning, my companion headed off to Pisco, in the southern part of our mission, and I recieved a new companion, Hermana Guidice. Hermana Guidice is from Argentina, she started her mission the same time as my last companion, so she has about 10 months in the field. We´re also going to get another companion from the CCM tomorrow, so we´re going to be a trio here in our ward. We´re ready to work hard and find people to teach them the gospel. Next week I´ll try and send pictures of the three of us.
This week we had another baptism and it was awesome.
Here is my companion Hermana Riveros, Valentina (8), Antonio (13), Pepito (baptizer), Milagros (Antonio and Valentina´s Mom) and Myself. It would take the whole hour to tell you the whole story of this family, but just know that I love them so much. Hermana Milagros can´t be baptized just yet, but she´s strong in attending Church, knows that life´s better in the Gospel, and is ready to help her children grow in the Gospel. Love them so much, pierod. Funny story, when it was Hermanita Valentina´s turn to be baptized, she was a little scared to go under the water. When she went under her little legs popped right up out of the water and we had to do it again. It was sooo funny, but we did it again and she was baptized with success.
Everything is going good here in the field. I´m excited to learn new things with my new companions this cambio. Until next time, have a great week!