I hope everyone is having a great and safe holiday season! Here in Ica life is going great. It's all a new experience that's for sure. Last week I got my new companion on Tuesday and then we arrived that night. On Wednesday we got to know a few investigators that we have, then the rest of the week we worked. We're looking for people to teach, getting to know the area. Here it is so hot during the day, but in the night it cools down. We have to drink A LOT of water everyday. But no complaints, because it's part of the work. It's pretty interesting opening up an area. There are already Elders here in our ward (we're a total of 4) they work in one part and we work in the other. Our house is SUPER nice. Pretty much a mansion when it comes to missionary standards, spacious bathroom, kitchen, dining room (rareity that's for sure), study area and sleeping area. We love it.
Here's a picture of me and my new companion, Hermana Rivera from Hondorus. She just came out of the MTC here in Peru and is super great!

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Enjoy the time with your family and friends as we think of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I love this time of year, it's a little different being a missionary, being in Peru, and all the heat that's here in Ica, but that doesn't take away from what the season is really all about. I truly hope we all take time to remember our Savior this time of year and give thanks for all that He has done for us. I'm truly grateful to serve the Lord as a Missionary, for the expeirences that I have everyday.
Merry Christmas!
Love Always,
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