Tuesday, August 9, 2011


My life has gone from 103 MPH to about 4 in about 2 days. I got home from school a couple of weeks ago and it's been nice to relax here at home, but also kind of boring. I schedule any appointments I have one each day, making sure not to overlap them so I'll have something to do each day (pathetic? yep).

Last semester was crazy busy and fun, with work, school, and social living I got little to no sleep. But like I said it was fun and worth it.

In my boredom here at home I've managed to watch a lot of TLC (my dad asked me for any wedding dress shopping tips I have from watching Say Yes to the Dress) and Project Runway. I've also read some books, LOVE The Help and recommend it 100% and now I'm continuing my read of the Hunger Games series. And to fill my Thursday nights, I have a cake decorating class which is super fun and doing a number on my waistline...

Things ahead:
Arizona, visiting family down there
Seeing movies that come out, The Help, Glee 3D, One Day (loved that book too)
Then School, I've already been making the plans to go back...

Hope your summer has been treating you well!
Sorry for the wordy post and no pictures and for not posting in forever...