Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 19

Nicknames you have and why do you have them.

Phil the Pill- my extended family called me this when I was a kid. I'm the youngest in my family by ten years, so I was the only kid around to be obnoxious.

Felish (pronounced fa-leesh)- my dad just shortened my name and when he's trying to get my attention he calls me that.

Fel-isha- My friend Jordan came up with this one in high school. He calls me Fel-isha and I call him Jor-dan.

Felli Fel- Olivia and Corey came up with this one. In a song it starts off saying "DJ Felli Fel" and that's how that one caught on.

Fel- Olivia came up with this one. When texting she didn't feel like typing out my whole name so she just typed Fel.

Paranoid- Bryce came up with it. I had a chalkboard up in my room with Fun Felicia Facts and the first one was "Felicia is paranoid." Bryce saw it through the window and nicknamed me Paranoid. (Every now and then when I'm acting paranoid, I remind him what my nickname is and he understands),

FeFe/FiFi/FeeFee- Tressa came up with this one and everyone at school keeps it going. Tressa needed a pet name and that's what popped into her head.

Felly Belly- Emily thought of it. She needed something that rhymed with Felly and Belly worked.

Those are all the names I know that I go by.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 18

Plans, dreams, and goals you have.

Plans: My plan right now is to go to Spain in two weeks from today and enjoy my time there.
After that I plan to finish my schooling and graduate in December of 2012.

Dreams: A dream of mine right now is that I really want to go out of the country and do humanitarian work, specifically Africa or South America.

Goals: Graduate college with a good GPA (like 3.6+).
Do humanitarian work for the people/places around me.
Eventually I want to marry in the Temple and have a family.
Live a life so I can go to the Temple.

These are all the plans/dreams/goals I can think of, I'll add more if some come to mind.

Day 17

Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.

This one was hard, I couldn't think of anyone in particular so I'm going to go general: a boy. I mean I would want to go completely opposite so a boy would be perfect. The boy would have to be around my age (so I guess he'd be a man) and probably someone I know, just so I would get to know him better by spending time in his life. Those are all the particulars I can think of at the moment but a man is who I'd want to change lives with for a day.

Day 16

Another picture of yourself

Here's me and my friend Bryce. (I don't really have many pictures of just me...)

Day 15

Put your iPod on shuffle, list the first 10 songs that play:

1. You Belong With Me- Taylor Swift
2. Fix You- Coldplay
3. Sweet Caroline- Glee Cast
4. Girl- Destiny's Child
5. I Want to Hold Your Hand- Across the Universe
6. Flying- Across the Universe
7. Revolution 9- The Beatles
8. Track 20
9. White Horse- Taylor Swift
10. Another Girl Another Planet- Blink 182

Day 14

A picture of you and your family

This is my Dad, me, Neo, my Mom, and Jake.

Day 13

A letter to someone who has hurt you recently...

If someone has hurt me I've already spoken my mind to them about it.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 12

How you found out about blogs and why you made one

I found out about blogs through my cousin Diana. I made one while in college so I can tell stories and people can read about them instead of repeating them over and over. Plus to me I kind of use it as a journal, to some extent. Plus when I go to Spain and can't call people I can share my experiences right here.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 11

Another picture of you and your friends:

This is a picture of me and people from my ward at an ugly Christmas Sweater Party. It was tons of fun and I got a Betta fish as my white elephant gift. I'm going to miss them all. (Except for the four girls in the bottom left corner, I don't know them, they're not in our ward...but I'm sure I would miss them too if I did.)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 10

Song you listen to when you are...
Happy: something that isn't slow and I can belt out loud

Sad: slow songs that I can sing to, that go with what's going on

Bored: iPod will be on shuffle

Hyped: I don't know, depends on what I'm hyping up for... I have my running playlist that hypes me up

Mad: I don't think I have a song to listen to when I'm mad...

Friday, December 17, 2010


We said goodbye to the semester by having dinner at Olive Garden.

It has been a great semester: I made a ton of new friendships and strengthened old ones, I think I lost some along the way as well. Classes were pretty easy and my grades were good. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to Rexburg (my home for the past year and a half) and to old friends. I'll miss it all, but know Spain will be worth it and can't wait...As long as it's warmer than Rexburg I'll be good for sure.

Day 9

Something you're proud of in the past few days

For my Motivation and Management class we had to do a final project of our discipline plan and a parent brochure that we might use as a teacher. I thought it turned out way nice and so did my teacher cause I got 100% on it. Ballin.

Day 8

Short term goals for this month and why

Well, the month is pretty much over and my goals were to do well on my finals (done), pack and leave Rexburg (done), not cry when leaving Rexburg (achieved), and get home safely (done).

Now my goal is to get ready for Spain and enjoy the holiday season.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 7

A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you:

My mother, she brought me into this world, that's a pretty big impact.

Day 6

Favorite superhero and why

Batman, from the new movies. Because Christian Bale is hot.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 5

A picture of somewhere you've been:

I've been to Hawaii and I wish I was there now, I miss the warm weather.

Day 4

A habit you wish you didn't have:

I guess mine would have to be biting my nails, I just started that in the past year (probably from stress) and now I wish I never would have.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 3

A picture of you and your friends:

Taylor, Emily, Me and Tressa at Big Jud'sAdd Image

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 2

The meaning behind your blog name: Fel Into Real Life

Well Fel is one of my many nicknames (This one came about through texting, people were too lazy to type out Felicia so they just shortened it with Fel). Then "Into Real Life" because this is my real life (as opposed to my fake...) all in a blog. And the title is a play on words.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 1

A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts:

1. I love to shop
2. I love anything with chocolate
3. I'm going to Spain in the Winter
4. I just discovered Zumba (It's a dance/workout class)
5. My favorite color is bright pink
6. I'm sitting on my bed in the same spot where I took the picture above
7. I pictures of the guys that I like and they happen to be above my bed (That was the only nail left)
8. I love shoes
9. My alarm is crickets on my phone
10. I tend to leave my clean laundry in its basket for the entire week...
11. I love to play games (Right now I'm continuously trying to beat my friend in Scrabble)
12. My dog sleeps with me when I'm home
13. I've gone to college for a year straight now
14. I wear contacts that I throw out everyday
15. I'm an only child and the only reason I wanted a sibling was so I could hold a little baby.

30 Days

So I found this 30 day thing on a blog and thought I would try it out, cause I obviously have nothing else to blog about...

I posted it so you too can join me in this "challenge"

Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - How you found out about blogs and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24 - A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - Who are you?

Monday, November 29, 2010


Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, filled with much thanks and giving.

This was mine:
A table set for 16 people:
(I love having a ton of family over, I couldn't imagine it with just a few people, the holiday wouldn't be the same)

We filled the table up and enjoyed some delicious food!

And then a good game of Catch Phrase:

Which is a fun and exciting game with my family.


So it's way expensive to fly out of Idaho Falls, which is the airport that is only 20 minutes away, so this time I decided to fly out of Salt Lake City, which is 3 1/2 hours away. Fortunately for me, my good friend (well now we're good friends cause we just spent 8 hours in a car together) Christian lives in Utah and graciously took me to the airport and back.

The real adventure was on the way back to Rexburg, it was snowing like crazy in Salt Lake, but the roads weren't too bad so we got going after eating at In n Out. We hit Brigham City, a "city" an hour outside of SLC, and hit some pretty bad roads; there were cars on the side of the road every which way.

Well, after enjoying our refilled sodas we both realized we needed to go to the bathroom, but thought we could hold it for a little longer, so we passed a rest stop. But then Christian saw a friend on the side of the road and wanted to see if he could help, turns out they had help and were good getting out, but we were there for a good 15 minutes. Then we realized we REALLY had to go to the bathroom. I looked on my phone and see the nearest town was Honeyville, like 3 miles away. However, we had to go super slow, because of the roads so it took us another 15 minutes to even find the exit (all along the way we were talking about going in the bushes on the side of the road and I was not a big fan of that idea so I was determined to find a gas station).

We finally get off at the exit and there is no gas station near by. So we drive about 2.6 miles and see a Church steeple and know it has to be open. We get to the Church and see that there's a gas station right next to it, but we went for the Church, because it would be 10 times cleaner. I ran up to the first door and it's locked. I tried the second door and it's open, phew. Of course the Men's room was easy to find, but I had to asked where the Women's was.

After relieving ourselves and getting some strange looks, we were back on the road. However, most of the time we were going about 17 under the speed limit. A drive that would normally take about 3 1/2 hours, took almost 5. However, I'm grateful to have made it back to Rexburg safely and enjoy an adventure with Christian along the way.

Sorry I didn't document anything about our drive, I was too focused on finding a bathroom and getting home safely.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I'm back in Colorado and doing all my favorite things that you can't do in Rexburg:
0. See my puppy
1. Eat real Mexican food
2. Shop at Cherry Creek
3. Go to the Nuggets game
4. See movies in IMAX
5. Eat at Noodles and Company
6. Shop at Costco
7. Get my teeth cleaned (well maybe this isn't a favorite thing, but I can't do that in Rexburg)
8. Eat at Qdoba

Still on Tap:
Go to another Nuggets game, see more movies, hang with old friends, be with family, and eat a delicious Thanksgiving dinner while also being with family.

I love you too Colorado
(I love seeing the news that it is snowing, no wait blizzarding, in Idaho. So glad I'm here in the sun.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So I decided to look online to see what the weather is going to be like in Madrid while I am there from January to February. This is what I found:

"Whoever said that Madrid is nine months of winter and three months of hell almost got it right. Madrid winters can feel downright mountainously chilly because of the elevation and summers can feel just like, well, hell. Winter has minimum averages of 2ºC or 35ºF, while summer has maximum averages of 29ºC or 84ºF. Accordingly, spring and fall are the most pleasant times to be in Madrid, when the weather is temperate and ranges from cool to warm."

What? I'm not looking for cold here, I was planning to get away from it. Well hopefully they would look at a Rexburg winter as something ten times worse than "mountainously chilly."

I looked somewhere else and I think I found hope: Average minimum temperature in Madrid in January, February, and March are 32, 34, and 37. Average maximum temperature in the same months are 50, 52, and 61.

Ok...I can do that.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Right now I'm in a tunnel, in the sense that everything is due this week.

I've got a lesson to plan and teach on Wednesday, a math test on Thursday, a math work compilation due on Friday, and a 10 page paper due on Friday.

But like any tunnel there is a light at the end of it: this one is bright because I get to go HOME. I'm blessed to have a week break to spend time with my family and relax while giving thanks.

T minus 4 days.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We carved pumpkins over the weekend.

I carved Pumpkin into mine.

Happy Halloween!


Jenn has specifically left a frame, with an old roommate picture turned around in it, hanging in our living room. It's to remind us that we need to take a roommate picture with all of us in it. This has been up for about a month now and to no surprise we still haven't taken one.

Sunday night I'm sitting on the couch and tell Tressa we should draw ourselves in it. So that's what we did:

From Left: Me, Tressa, Sharla, Jenn, Catie, and Katie.

Roommate picture can now be checked off the list.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The best pictures are the ones you don't know are being taken.
They capture so much more than a posed picture. Example is this picture with the intense looks on our faces:

This is Christian and I playing Angry Birds, Photography Courtesy of Tressa. I doctored it up on my phone with my Polaroid App.

Love the raw emotion.

H Dub

I had to do a video project for my Education Technology class. I had no idea what to do and whipped this one out the afternoon it was due. If you noticed I was lazy and just used some already acquired shots. But hey it came together and I got an A on it. Just thought I would share it with you and if you need any help on iMovie, holler!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Last semester my stress reliever was playing Super Mario Brothers for the Wii. I beat the game in 2 months. Well my new game this semester is:

For the iPhone (so I can play it on the go which is ten times better). Right now I'm on level 7-6. This game is AWESOME.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm in envy of this:

A dinner party on the beach, next to the Golden Gate Bridge. I found it here and would like to host or attend one of my own. But as of right now, that's not going to happen. So until then I'll just sit in envy and dream.

Until next time...Check this video out.

I stole it from another blog and Tressa and I were cracking up.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


There's a new restaurant here in town: Sammy's. We thought we'd try it out for dinner.

It had cute, vintage decor outside and in.

Typical Felicia and Tressa.

Jenn order a cupcake shake and it's true to it's name with an actual cupcake in it.

It was delicious and we will be going there again soon.


I don't think I've talked about who my roommates are this semester...then again I don't think I have any semester. Well I'll start now, so then you might know who I'm talking about. Before we went out last night and people started leaving for the weekend, we took a quick roommate picture:

From Left: Me, Jenn, Sharla, Tressa and Catie. Not Pictured: Katie

Here are the basics of each roommate.

Jenn: From San Francisco, CA. We've lived together for 3 semesters now (Fall 2009, Spring and Fall 2010). She was my first roommate ever. She's a Child Development major and Culinary Arts minor. This is her second to last semester here.

Sharla: From Brigham City, UT. This is our second semester living together (Fall 2009 and 2010). She's a Junior pursuing a Bachelor's in Horticulture.

Tressa: From Burley, ID. Third semester living together in 308 (Fall 2009, Winter and Fall 2010). We were the only freshman together in the Fall and she was my room-roommate in the Winter. She's a Child Development major.

Catie: From Pleasantgrove, UT. This is her first semester here and she is hoping to enter in the Nursing Program here.

Katie: From Sacramento, CA. This is her 5th semester here and first time living with us. I don't know what her major is...

All of them are pretty awesome and it's been a good semester with them, so far.


Last weekend we went to Yellowstone to take advantage of their free admissions day. It was the first time I had been in forever, same with Jenn, Sharla had been here twice this year, and it was Ryan's first time ever. It was a long day of driving but tons of fun. Here is the trip in photographs:

There was a traffic jam due to Buffalo. But it made for an awesome picture.

Waiting for Old Faithful.

Still waiting...

Oh there it is.

At least the scenery was nice while driving around the park.

This is the Dragon's Mouth, cause it makes a sound like a dragon and steam comes out of it.

We hit up the falls.

The roommates.

It was a long, but fun day. By the end we were beat and tired of being the in car. It's a good thing that Ryan is a patient person, cause we were getting a little crazy towards end of the trip.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I just found out today that I will be doing a BYU Study Abroad in Madrid, Spain next January.

Needless to say, I'm excited and also I'll need to practice my Espanol.

Monday, September 13, 2010

"For Real..."

So I was introduced to this You Tube video:

1:05...1:12...1:25...1:48 Are the best.

And then they came up with this song...

If they aren't working try double clicking them...

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today was the last day of the East Idaho State Fair...

Tressa, Jenn and I went to enjoy it this beautiful Saturday.

After eating nasty fair food we enjoyed a slow ride on the Ferris Wheel.

Then after a few more slower rides Tressa and I enjoyed this fun upside down ride.

We all went through the fun house.

One quick picture while waiting in line for another fun ride.

All in all it was a good day at the fair: great company, wonderful weather, and fun times.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Here's the start to our first weekend back at school:

We went to Big Juds.

Kaite and Jenn.

Our food was taking forever, so Christian and Tressa enjoyed a game of Dots.

I was showing them my awesome Polaroid App that took this picture:

After we played some games, watched TV, then went to see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (it was ok).

There's our kick off to the weekend and a new semester. Some fun times.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I'm back at school for my fourth semester. I'm hoping it will be an easy one.

So far it's been: yummy ice cream, old friends, watching movies, organizing the apartment, and relaxing.

But that all ended today because classes started...

Here we go again!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


My family and I went Hawaii for part of my break:

It was fun and relaxing!