Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013

Family and Friends,

It´s a pleasure to write you all this week and hear from you all. Sorry for not writing anything last week...whoops. Last week we went to Quinua that´s an hour away in van. Here´s a pic of our Zone here in Ayacucho North:

Last time we went to Quinua my companion got sick from the guinea pig so we decided to pack a picnic from the local sandwich place here that also sells the best cake ever. Well picnicing in Quinua brings all the street dogs to the yard:

We didn´t have anything to give them but they just longed for something with their puppy dog eyes. There are a ton of dogs here in Ayacucho, most of them are mutts and super ugly but some are cute.

Thanks for all the love and support and have a great week!

Love Always,


Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013

Family and Friends,

Wasn´t General Conference so great? Well if you don´t know what General Conference is or you didn´t watch it, go to and look it up. Here´s our Zone after the Saturday afternoon session:

You can really see that they´re putting an emphasis on missionary work and helping others to come unto Christ. Love it.
Well I hope you all have a great week! Just wanted to send my love in Spanish for you all this week!

Love Always,