Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 5, 2012

Amigos y Familia,

The first few days have been good. It turns out I'm a solo Sister which means I don't have a companion. The reason for this is because there wasn't enough sisters who were at the intermediate level to be my companion so I'm alone. It's WAY nice. The only problem is I ALWAYS have to find an Elder companionship or a Sister companionship to tag along with when I'm not in my room (which is all the time). With that being said I'm the only Sister in my class (which is also our district). However, I live with 5 other sisters in our residence hall. One companionship is a trio and the other is just 2. They're all super nice but they aren't my real companions; because they are above me in spanish because they've been here longer. There are 4 other Elders in my district, they are all tiny little missionaries who seem scared straight when it comes to the MTC and Spanish, but they're slowly losening up and getting to have fun. For the most part I hang out with Elder Remington and Elder Jacobson. E. Remington is really good at Spanish and E. Jacobson is still learning a lot and I'm right in between them both.

Most of the time we are in the classroom either having class, doing personal study or doing language study. It's a lot of time there but I'm learning a lot about my self, Spanish, and these Elders and their companionships. We have gym time for about an hour. Yesterday I went with my Elders up to the fields and we ran and played bocce ball which was tons of fun and a cute little bonding experience. Also, yesterday we had our first investigator (he's not really an investigator, but an actor) but we still treated him like he was a real investigator. E. Remington, Jacobson, and I taught him together ALL IN SPANISH. E. Remington did most of the talking but I talked about the First Vision which was the part I prepared for. For the most part it went well and it was a great experience and we get to do it again today with a follow up lesson.

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