Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 2012

Hola, From Peru!

Yes you read that right I'm here in Peru! On Monday morning I got called down to the Travel Office, not wanting to get my hopes up again Hna. Cardenaz and I slowly walked down expecting nothing. But surprise surprise I got my Visa and they gave me my travel plans to leave the next day, Tuesday. I was so excited but so sad at the same time because I love my companion soooo much. Well I got all packed pretty fast and then went on with my day, saying goodbyes and what not. It was for sure bittersweet because I became such good friends with my district.

Tuesday morning came way too fast and I had to be at the travel office at 5 am. I got on the bus and was on my way to the airport to go to Peru. Our lay over was in Atlanta and I got to call my parents, awesome! Then hopped on the plane to Peru for a 6 hour flight. Most of the flights I slept and read, couldn't watch the movie but that's ok. 20 of us landed in Peru at 11 pm, made our way through Customs and what not and then were on our way to the CCM by about 12:30. We didn't get to the CCM until 1:30, found our room and slilently made our bed real quick and went to sleep. We got to sleep in until 9, which was great and then get pictures taken and what not and now I'm here emailing.

The CCM is way nice. The rooms are way nice, you can tell a million people haven't gone through here before. It's pretty small here there are only about 30 sisters or so. I haven't met my companion yet, but she's from Peru so that's going to be a fun adventure. The weather is pretty cloudy right now, humid but sitll pretty warm, no complaints at all.

I'm going to miss my district in Provo, but it's all alright because they're leaving to go out into the field on Monday and I know they'll do great. It's been said that the Gospel comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable. Obviously I was too comfortable in Provo, but I learned so much about my self and other people, more than I would have if I would have come to Peru on May 22. I feel I'm truly ready to lose myself in the work and endure, with the Lord helping me the whole way.

I don't know when I'm leaving the CCM, I've heard July 2nd or June 26th, but I'll find out soon enough. Until then I'll be learning more Spanish and getting aclimated to this country I already love.

Hope everything is going great there in the States! Have a great day!


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